Curated by Angelica Aranda

Reception: May 4th, 2024 6-8PM

Dates: April 30 - May 5th


Leila Abdelrazaq, Andreea Alunei, Ian Addison, Emily Carpintero, Shriya Chunduri, Veronica Cianfrano, Nicole Driscoll, Jeff Haber/Stoofus, Justin Hui, Helen Jones, Carly Larsson, Alex Lukas, Clarissa Martinez, Tana Oshima, Amber Paris, Sol Jin Park, Joshua Pelletier, PHAGS, Marcie Revens, Lena Schmid, Natia Ser, Alexandra Silverthorne, Rachel Simmons & Chrissy Kolaya, Elizabeth (EJ) Trefney, Bre Upton, Lena Warnke, Lucie March, Martha Schnee

About the Show

The term “trace” can be applied to both positive and negative connections to past events. A trace of someone long gone or a trace of a better time in one’s life. Regardless of its contextual connotation it always declares the presence of some sort of lasting impression. It also suggests the ability to track the source of a connection. Traces encapsulates these various impressions resulting from a variety of life events inflicted upon our artists. The trace of a lost loved one, a traumatic childhood, or the trace of leaving (or losing) a home are just a few examples this body of work addresses. The works also represent the tangibility of this idea in their format as books and publications. Physical objects that serve as markers in the progression of life events through their materiality. What traces do we carry and what traces are we actively creating for others in the present time? I invite the viewer to absorb each artwork with the understanding of the human inability to forget. This collection displays a wide variety of experiences, some positive, some negative, and some bittersweet, but all undeniably present. 

A Note from the Curator

The idea for Traces came during my time working as a gallery associate for Field Projects. I previously aided in the selection process for their online exhibition open calls and as a zinester myself I wanted to use this platform to bring zine and book artists together. The nature of Field Projects as artist-run, the unconventional nature of its location in Chelsea (given that it’s artist run), and my own love of zines and artist books ultimately led to the decision to bring this show to life. The following 26 publications were a result of a selection that was based on the artists’ understanding of the human need to carry. It became clear to me early in the curation process that it is in the nature of zine-making and book-making to be unapologetically vulnerable and honest. A theme I often commit to and centralize in my own zine and book practice. I am honored to give these works the platform they deserve and ultimately hope the viewer finds a trace of themselves in the works.

*Note: Some artists have elected to have trigger warnings related to their work. Some works included in this show have sensitive content some viewers may find difficult and may not suit younger audiences.